Pastor smarter, not harder!

Start leading with confidence not chaos

Accomplish Big Goals

Keep your time and attention focused on what matters most by making sure you plan out your month to reflect your priorities.

Build Your Perfect Week

Be proactive. Don’t fall into the trap of the urgent. This section will help you keep a high level snapshot of what you should focus on each day.

Discover Personal Clarity

The more you know about what drives you, the better you will lead yourself and the better you will lead others. With this Action Planner you get free access to the best tools to help you know the hidden motivators that drive your behaviors.


Lead High Impact Meetings

Meetings are where you can leverage your leadership the most. An hour of your time, knowledge, experience, and passion can affect everyone in that meeting for weeks!

Take Daily Action

Our energy and productivity are not consistent throughout the day. That is why we have divided the daily section to use a technique called “Time Blocking.”

Craft Your Core Values

Defining your core values will provide you with a set of filters to help you set your priorities when life gets busy.

Create A Growth Plan

The power of clarity is that it helps you overcome distractions, and keeps you focused on the goals, relationships, habits, and outcomes that are most important.



A new type of planner for busy pastors

The more you know about what drives you, the better you will lead yourself and the better you will lead others. With this Action Planner you get free access to the best tools to help you know the hidden motivators that drive your behaviors.

Triumph over the Tyranny of the Urgent

In a highly digital world, this analog tool will free you from distractions and help you focus on the aspects of your life and leadership that truly matter.


Managing Your Energy & Attention

Your energy and productivity are not consistent throughout the day. That is why we have divided the daily section to use a technique called “Time Blocking.” What part of your day do you have the most energy and mental focus – morning, afternoon, or evening? Use that time block to get the important actions accomplished.

How it works

Leaders tend to overestimate what can be done in a day and underestimate what can be done in a year. This Action Planner guide you through finding personal clarity, dream bigger, help you focus on the right things and act on matters most.

Through self discovery, reflection and guided questions you’ll discover what’s most important.
With clarity you can now create goals that will actually help you move the needle.
Plan out your perfect week, by properly managing your time, attention and energy
By breaking up big goals into smaller weekly and daily tasks you can accomplish anything!

I’m a busy pastor too

Being a pastor is demanding, there’s a million things to do and never enough time to them.

Over the last 10 years I’ve developed a system that will help you take back your time, focus on what matters most, and start leading more effectively.

Brian Beauford

Free Course w/ Planner!


When you get an Action Planner during Pastor Appreciation month you also get a free course to help you master the art of running high-impact meetings!

10 Pack +
Meetings Course

$490      $390

Equip your team to find clarity, dream bigger, focus on the right things and act on matters most.

Action Planner +
Meetings Course

$146      $49

Lead confidently with an Action Planner built for productive pastors + a proven system for weekly meetings!

Digital Planner +
Meetings Course

$126      $29

Downloadable templates that are compatible with all you devices.

Common Questions about the Action Planner

What is the purpose of the Action Planner?

The Action Planner helps individuals reflect on their personal growth. It also helps them reflect on their leadership skills and productivity. It incorporates tools for self-assessment, goal setting, and tracking progress. These tools enhance one’s effectiveness in both personal and professional arenas.

The planner guides you through a discovery process to define your core values. It provides a framework to help set priorities and focus on what’s most important. This aids in decision-making and personal leadership. The online resources even  give you examples and a few AI prompts to help you brainstorm.

The planner offers a proven framework called “Time Blocking.” This technique is built into the weekly/daily section. It will help you focus attention and energy efficiently throughout the day. This recognizes that productivity varies with different times of the day.

This is where the planner truly shines! It includes resources for understanding your behavioral drives and enhancing emotional intelligence. It also offers guidance on self-awareness, running high-impact meetings, and building a leadership pipeline.

It helps make learning a habit. There is a whole section titled “Learning.” It includes actionable steps for applying new knowledge.

It has NO DATES, allowing flexibility in starting and stopping.

The outside is not branded, meaning we aren’t showing off any logos or product names. It has a tough durable dark gray cover.

It features double ribbons for easy navigation. Plus, a habit tracker focuses on small habits that lead to achieving big goals. Also, it offers regularly updated online resources.

This tool helps prioritize and plan yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals. It identifies potential roadblocks and breaks down your big goals into achievable action steps. It includes sections for reflection and adjustment, to make sure you’re staying on track.

Yes, it provides strategies for running effective meetings. These include setting agendas, asking impactful questions, and defining clear objectives and action steps. The online resources also provide sample agendas and questions. They depend on the type of meeting you’re running. 

Typically 2-7 business days. USPS picks up from our offices each weekday around 10am. Once the shipping label has been printed, you will start getting update emails about the shipping status.


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